Al-Bayyinah (Arabic: البينة, "The Clear Proof, Evidence") is the 98th Chapter (surah) of the Quran...
Al-Bayyinah (Arabic: البينة, "The Clear Proof, Evidence") is the 98th Chapter (surah) of the Quran with 8 verses (ayat). This sorat is positioned in Para 30 which is also known as Juz Amma (Juzz 30). The Surah is so designated after the word al-bayinah occurring at the end of the first verse.Theme and subject matter:Its having been placed after Surahs Al Alaq and Al Qadr in the arrangement of the Quran (Quraan / Mushaf) is very meaningful. Surah Al-Alaq contains the very first revelation, while Surah Al-Qadr shows as to when it was revealed, and in this Surat it has been explained why it was necessary to send a Messenger along with this Holy Book.In this very connection, it has been stated that the Prophets who came from Allah and the, Books sent down by Him, did not enjoin anything but that the way of sincere and true service to Allah be adopted, apart from all other ways, no one elses worship, service or obedience be mixed with His, the Salat (salah / namaz / solat) be established and the Zakat be paid. 1. Whoso recites this sorah becomes a staunch believer in tawhid, keeps no relation with polytheists, follows strictly laws given by the Holy Prophet, so on the day of judgement his reckoning would be very easy.2. Whoso recites this surat, Imam Ali ibna abi Talib would take care of him on the day of judgement and keep him in his company.On the virtue in reciting this Surah, there is a tradition from the holy Prophet (S) who has said:"If people knew how blessful this Surah is (Bayinah), they would leave their property and family to learn it”.Someone from the Khazaih’ people asked:"O Messenger of Allah! What is the reward for reciting it?".He (S) answered:"Neither a hypocrite nor those in whose hearts contain doubt about Allah recite it. By Allah, the near-stationed angels have been reciting it from the time the heavens and the earth were created and do not languish in its recitation.There will be no servant who recites it at night but that Allah sends angels who protect him in his Faith and his present life and that seek forgiveness and mercy for him; and when on the day he recites it, he will be rewarded as much as what the day sheds light upon and what the night darkens.”The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) said: Indeed when Allah hears the recitation of “Lam Yakun” (Surah Bayyinah) He says: I give you good news, My servant. By My Power and Might, I wouldsettle you in Paradise till you are satisfied.Imam al Baqir (a.s.) said: Whoever recites Surah Bayyinah, is untouched by Polytheism, hateful of polytheists and has entered the religion of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.), and on the Day of Judgment, Allah would raise him as a believer, and his accounting would be very easy.المصحف المعلم جزء 30 سورة البينـــة ترتيب السورة فى المصحف (98) عدد آياتها (8)Surat al bayyinah merupakan surat ke-97 yang terdiri atas 8 ayat. Surah al bayyinah ini termasuk golongan surat-surat Madaniyah yang berarti bahwa diturunkan di Madinah. Arti dari “al bayyinah” yaitu “bukti yang nyata”.